Purchase gift cards from popular local merchants at face value and FMS will receive a percentage rebate at no cost to you. This is a great fundraiser to ask neighbors, colleagues, friends and family. They buy and receive gift cards in only the amount they give you. Buy gift cards to merchants that you frequent, or give as gifts during the holidays!

How to buy

  1. Simply fill out form below (PDF) and include a check payable to “FMS”.
  2. Orders due by Friday, October 25, 2019.
    1. College Park: Drop off filled order forms and checks in gold box labeled “Gift Card Orders” in the College Park front office.
    2. Bayside: Please return orders to Ms. Long.

Questions: Contact Cathleen Chau at College Park or Lawren Wu at Bayside via Konstella

FMS Gift Card Fundraiser – Order by 10/25!