Friends of Mandarin Scholars (FMS)

FMS Mission is to provide a quality Mandarin education for our students and to foster a sense of community at our schools.

FMS Funds Additional Resources for College Park and Bayside Academy Middle School including:

  • Mandarin Instructional Aides (bulk of funds!)
  • Summer Kinder Kick Start Program at College Park
  • Professional Development for Mandarin Educators 
  • Mandarin-Specific Classroom Materials
  • Cultural Celebrations
  • Sponsorship of Community Building Events

A big part of this is mandarin support, which facilitates small in-class group learnings, before & afterschool homework help, and the Kinder Kick Start Program.

2024-2025 FMS Fundraising for 2024-2025 School Year

We kindly request each family donate $650 per student to support FMS in meeting our fundraising goal of $185,000 in our valuable mission. More information about our joint Fall Drive with the PTA can be found here.

For those interested, below is FMS projected costs to support the 2024 – 2025 school year. If you have any questions or doubts about the support we bring please contact us.

FMS Projected Cost 2024 – 2025

Below are just some of the many programs that FMS funds throughout the year to support Mandarin education in our community.

$164,622College Park Mandarin aides (3)
$8,000Kick Start + Summer Boost
$4,700Chinese New Year Parade
$19,097Bayside Mandarin Support
$7,200Discretionary – includes Professional Development

2024 – 2025 FMS Board

Our Board of Directors is made up of parents and community leaders who support Mandarin Immersion learning in San Mateo Foster City School District.

Jenny Yang  Chair

Cathy Szeto Vice Chair

Jennifer Li Secretary

Michelle Rhie Treasurer

Vacant (contact Jenny if interested) Financial Secretary

Anne Kee & Mindy Suruki Program

Janet Yao & Julie Chen Fundraising

Janet Yao PTA Liaison 

If you have any questions you can reach out to